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Are you looking forward to having a light bike? Getting the lightest bike is the dream of many cyclists in the world. The reason for making the bike lighter are evident, and many people believe that using a light bike will make them move faster. You will run fast on the hills without any additional weight.
Multiple studies have shown that dropping 1 Ib. will save you 1 second when riding your bike when going up a hill. The weight will also make the difference if you are in a race.
There are some ways and procedures that you can follow to make your bike light. Some of this means that to make your bike lighter, you need to replace the heavy parts.
The frame is the base and the most expensive part on your bike. Buying a new frame for your bike means you are, essentially, buying a new bike. When shopping for a frame, there are frames that you should consider due to the light weight. Some of these frames are:
This is the hierarchy that you should follow. The carbon fiber is the lightest for your bike—it is excellent and also efficient.
Changing your bikes wheel is the next thing that you should consider. Affix the lightest wheels and ensure that they will be efficient on the bike. You will not only reduce the weight of the wheels but also the aerodynamics.
Lower the spokes and the wheels will become light. Ensure that it is an upgrade and efficient, and not a poorer quality, even if lighter. You can use the following wheels:
The tires of a mountain bike will kill you if you are going up a hill. Consider tires that are light and that have less friction. They should accommodate light rails whenever you are riding. The slick is also a good choice for trails such as footpaths.
If your bike has three cranks, you should consider buying a crank that is compact. A compact crank will give you a two-chain ring, rather than the three-ring one. With the two rings, there will be less to work on the gear, and you will reduce the weight.
Carbon fiber, aerodynamic bars and the triathlon bars will help to minimize the weight of the bike. The vibration in your hands when riding will no longer be felt, and you will have a smooth time riding it. You should keep in mind that carbon fiber can be brittle if you crash, so you should handle it with a lot of care.
There are several hardware options mounted on the bike, and they are not necessary. Some, such as mud flaps, pumps, decorations, reflectors, lights, saddlebags, among others, should be eliminated on the bike. The will shave some weight, hence making the bike lighter.
Aerodynamic shoes and helmets are for racers. Although they are quite expensive, they will help in reducing the weight when riding your bike.
Another major thing that you can do is swapping the pedals for the racing pedals. The racing pedals are designed to make the bike light for actual racing.
Trimming your bike can help you shave many grams from the bike. The best way that you can trim your bike is by:
After the whole process, you will come up with a very light bike. You should keep in mind that you are saving grams off the bike but not the amount. You should stick to the cost-effective fixes and the high-end parts.
The instructions above will give you a nice and efficient bike that will keep you smiling. Having a heavy bike is the worst thing that you can have. You should switch and enjoy the fun of a light bike.