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Kryptonite 994589 New York Lock M-18WL - Biking Tribe
Kryptonite 994589 New York Lock M

Kryptonite 994589 New York Lock M-18WL

The Kryptonite New York lock is a little cheaper that some of the more advanced locking mechanisms. The lock will still ensure that your bike is protected and the key lock has been specifically designed in the middle of the locking mechanism. This will ensure that the lock cannot be broken using leverage and a crowbar as there is now extra weight in the center.

Understanding the value of the Kryptonite New York lock might even convince you to instantaneously buy the lock, but we would like to show you a little more about the features and how they compare to other locks that are similar.

We also believe that the color looks great and that it may even ward off thieves as it is clearly visible from a longer distance. With that being said, let’s look at some of the key features.


The design has been specifically made to keep out anyone trying to break open the lock. The lock might seem to look just like all the other locks, but the weight has been perfectly distributed with more weight in the center to ensure that leverage cannot be used to break open your lock.

The lock features an 18 mm steel shackle that has been designed to resist saws and even bolt cutters to such an extent that we believe the only way to break open the lock is by taking your time and smashing it open. This will ensure that no one has the opportunity to quickly steal your bike once it has been locked.

Upon receiving the lock, you will also receive three added keys. One of the keys has been fitted with a battery-powered LED light that will ensure that you have clear access to quickly unlock the bike in the evening. You will also be able to buy new keys and also make use of the one key fits all customizable lock.

The disc style cylinder will be great for quick access and easy locking. You will be able to have a lock that is resistant to cutting tools, but also any forcing tools.

While you can always be able to protect against theft and prying, you may forget about the natural element that nature sometimes puts in our way. The vinyl coating will ensure that the steel surface has been optimally protected and that rust will never manage to find its way inside. The dustcover will also ensure that the keyholes always stay clean and that you have optimal access to unlocking the bike.

Once you grasp the complete picture and you see how all of these features can directly benefit you, you will be able to get the best use out of your lock. All of these features have been tested in tough conditions and developers have tried almost anything to try and break open the locks.


  • High-quality durable materials
  • Guaranteed anti-theft protection
  • Weather resistant
  • Innovative smart key feature that can be customized
  • Extremely affordable


  • Vinyl coating may damage over time compared to other rubber coats


Drawing clear comparisons might not always be easy, but we have set out to see how this product differs from the most common bike locks on the market. First of all, it has been reasonably priced for all the benefits you receive and the best benefit is the 18 mm steel construction. This is a little bigger than the closest rivals and will ensure all the safety that you need.

The lock can also be used in conjunction with many other locks and this will come as a huge benefit of the people owning two bikes. This will give you a great opportunity to try out two different locking types and make a decision for yourself on which one may be the best.


For the price, the lock definitely is must have and you should not let the opportunity pass you by. The brand has also been in business for multiple years, giving you a trustworthy and highly durable lock for a company that has been quality focused all over their lifetime.

We would definitely recommend this lock to anyone riding around in the city and stopping at different places. You will definitely be assured of safety and quality. Professionals will also be able to enjoy the lock and the multiple features that it has.

We would like to thank you for reading the article and we would also like to encourage you to let us know how you feel about bike locks and if you have any previous experience using this lock.

About the Author Bike Master

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